Title: Blue October - "Kangaroo Cry"
My, oh my, where has time gone?
Hi Bloggers, it's me, Vanessa.
Do you remember me?
I'm just that girl who blogs a few times and then goes on hiatus more often than she doesn't.
I love blogging.
But when I am blogging, I feel like I am constantly running out of things to say.
And when I'm not blogging, I miss it terribly.
This little space on the internet is my safe haven.
I always see posts of bloggers expressing how they feel they can't truly express themselves for this, that, or the other reason.
Me? I've never felt that here.
& that's what I love most.
My life right now, for many reasons that I hope to slowly get into, is chaotic to say the least.
Everything is changing and the feeling of being overwhelmed is a constant.
Unfortunately I think a lot of the chaos has been hanging out in my head.
So I'm coming back to blogging, because I think I need it.
I need my little space to purge all my thoughts and feelings.
About life. About the small event happening in under 200 days (!!!). About a song I am really loving or a book I lived in temporarily but can't seem to get over. About happiness and sadness.
About me.
The girl with the out of control curls, who is often seen in plain clothes, who wears glasses but hates them so she often takes them off in pictures.
Here I am, making my umpteenth return.
I've miss y'all dearly.