Oh heeey blogger, long time no see!.. I mean write? Something like that...
I'm alive, I've survived finals. My GPA for the semester is currently at a 3.33 but I'm disputing one of my grades at the moment so it might rise. If only my professor would get back in contact with me...
Anywho, I've had a bit of an issue jumping back into blogging. I've just lack motivation I guess. But today I will put that to an end!
So let's talk pet peeves.
I have pet peeves. A LOT of pet peeves. More than I could write about in one day, but let's just start with a few for the sake of your sanity.
#1. People who chew loudly/with their mouths open.
This kills me. Literally. It makes me sick and nauseous and I've been known to call people out on it that I don't even know. The sounds just makes me die on the inside. Once I worked with fellow employee in which caused me to quit (that's another post entirely) and on my last day of work I flipped out on her. She was standing on the other end of the room and I could hear her chomping on her gum. I yelled at her to shut her mouth, that even my (at the time) 4 year old niece knew how to chew with her mouth closed. Needless to say, it was ugly. Real ugly.
#2. Finding out important information via facebook
Let me just say, I'm a facebook stalker. Own up, I know you all are too. What else is the stupid site good for besides stalking. Now that being said, I shouldn't have to find out big news via a social network from close friends. I expect it through others that I barely talk to. But breaking off engagements when I JUST saw them 2 days ago & had no idea?! Totally makes me sad... This isn't my only pet peeve with facebook, but more on that later.
#3. Cliffhangers in season finales
It's season finale time. You know what that means. My face is glued to the TV, especially since I do not have school interrupting. Everything going along fine, loose ends are being tied up, and with 1 minute left in the show they completely twist everything you've ever thought was going on in this show upside down and leave you hanging. Not just for a week, no that's not good enough. You now have to wait 4 MORE MONTHS for answers. This kills me EVERY TIME.
So tell me, what are some of your current pet peeves??