Title: Quote from Easy A.
In the past 48 hours, I watched "Easy A", not once but twice.
Then this morning, Vito & I repeated our favorite quotes during breakfast.
Seriously, this movie was uh-may-zing!
If you haven't seen it already, please run (well, drive if you insist) to the nearest RedBox and pick it up right now.
It'll make you want to sing "Pocket Full of Sunshine" in the shower.

It'll make you want to vlog.
It'll make you wish parents were always this hilarious.

It'll make you swoon over Penn/Dan Humphrey/Woodchuck Todd, if you weren't already.
It'll make you miss 80s classics and wish John Hughes directed the story of your life.

Most of all, it will make you laugh.

If you haven't seen this movie already, why did you finish reading this post when I clearly gave you instructions waaaaaay up there to head to Redbox immediately?
If you have seen this movie, tell me what was/were your favorite part(s)???
Cute movie post! I want to see it!
did this movie just recently come out on DVD? i don't think i've heard of it. i'm a movie junkie so i'll have to go rent it now. thanks for the recommend.
I love the Pocket Full of Sunshine part...it reminded me of something I'd do.
This movie just arrived in my Mailbox from Netflix, can't wait to watch it!
I did see it once but I need to watch it again because I was staying at my friends dorm room and we were talking while it was on. It was good but I think I definitely missed a few parts!
I've been DYING to see this movie, especially since I teach The Scarlet Letter to my juniors. This post convinced me I need to make it happen. :)
I know, this movie was tooo cute, I loved it. Could emma stone be more adorable??? The pocket full of sunshine part made me laugh pretty hard and the parent scenes did as well, it was just really cute all over- like you, I loved it.
I've heard so much about this movie, now I've GOT to watch it!!
I want to see this movie!!! I've been meaning to get it. Maybe this weekend!!!
I haven't seen this one yet, but considering that I too which John Hughes directed my life, I'll have to check it out!
I have been wanting to see this! So glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Favorite part was definitely the song at the end :)
I saw this movie twice in theaters, and I don't do that very often. Haha it's so great! My favorite part is "let's bucket list this bitch!" and "I was gay once, we all were, no big deal.."
I love the thing about the 80's classics! :)
Noted. Although I haven't even heard of this movie..
ahhhh I think we will be re watching East A this weekend!! so quotable and so so funny!
I'm super late to this party, but hello: I adore this movie. And want to watch it immediately. I just might!
P.S.: "zippers and buttons, fun to frustrate them." ;)
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