Title: Yellow Light - Of Monsters and Men
Hey Y'all.
My name is Vanessa (or Nessa... Or V... Or...) and a long, long time ago, I use to blog here.
You may have forgotten about me but I certainly have not forgotten about you.
It's been over 6 months since I last blogged.
But I needed a break.
A really long one.
You see, life gets in the way.
Things come up (good and bad), life happens, time disappears, and inspiration is lost.
I lost all ambition to blog and put it on the back burner as something I'd get around to.
I missed blogging. A LOT.
I miss the interaction.
& having an outlet to talk about whatever I damn well please. 8)
So, here I am.
Back at Caramel Covered Photographss.
So what has happened in 7 months times?
We've moved out on our own in January.
And it's been great.
I love having our own little place.
It is just renting but to have someplace to call our home (other than my mommy's house!) is nice.
I celebrated 7 years with Vito in April.
& no sign of the 7 year itch in sight. ;)
I've discovered a love for Netflix and I am not sure how my TV-addicted self lived without it.
(especially since we do not have cable at the house now)
We joined a church that we both love.
Found new friends.
& continue to grow in faith.
It is a beautiful thing, y'all.
I turned a quarter of a century old last month.
It was probably the best birthday I've ever had.
More on that to come soon. 8)
Things that haven't happened since December?
Well, our wedding isn't planned yet.
But no worries, I am getting my life together here and I am certain you will see more wedding posts soon.
I haven't tanned nor seen a beach yet.
My legs could blind you with their paleness.
I haven't mastered the sewing machine.
I think I'm doomed.
I haven't gotten my skinny on.
I really need a fitness partner.
& someone to tell me that food really isn't THAT delicious when it is calorie laden...
I haven't figured out what to do with my life since college yet either.
Anywho, the moral of this rambling entry?
I missed blogging.
I missed y'all.
and I think it is time to come back!