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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"The Screams All Sounds The Same. Hey!"

Title: Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men

Do you know how many movies there are in the world?
Yeah, me neither but I can guess that number is PRETTY big.
With the constant releasing of new movies, it is hard to keep up.
And inevitably, movies slip through the cracks.
And sometimes, those movies are classics.
And people find out.
And have a heart attack because you are missing out.
And according to people in my life?
I have missed quite a few.

Example A

Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs.
Growing up, I was not allowed to watch any movies or TV shows that involved magic.
But that's a post for another time.
So basically when I was allowed, I had to catch up on all the amazing movies Disney had to offer.
Sadly, I've still missed this one.

Example B

Y'all, Vito & I were having dinner with two couples from church.
This movie was brought up and I said how we hadn't seen it and all 4 of their mouths dropped open.
You would have thought we just told them the world was ending.
We promised we'd watch this over the Christmas season so they'll still be friends with us.

Example C

Wayne's World.
My sister yells at me all the time since this is her favorite movie.
And she just can't believe that I haven't seen it, since I'm related.
Thankfully her love wins out so she hasn't disowned me.

Example D

You've Got Mail
I admitted on Twitter this morning that I haven't seen this movie.

So I get it.
I'm missing out on a lot and I promise to remedy this.
So don't disown me.
I'll get right with God asap.

Now do tell.
What movies haven't you seen that cause crazy reactions from people?

Monday, November 12, 2012

{Wedding Talk} Countdown: 11 Months

Today is November 12th, 2012.
Probably to most of you, it seems like just another dumb Monday. 
Mostly, I agree.
Dumb, stupid Mondays always ruin my inevitably too-short weekend.

But today? I looked at the date on my phone at work and it hit me out of no where.
11 more months.
11 more months until our big day.
After this realization, I was instantly hit with two polarizing emotions that can be shown with two different questions that entered my mind.



First I thought 11 more flipping months.  How is this possible?! 
My impatience shinning through, such a beautiful sight. Vito & I have been together for over 7.5 years at this point.  We started dating in high school so rushing our relationship? Nah.  We never hurried to be engaged (Obviously, because the amount of "about time" comments we received when we announced our engagement made that clear).  We didn't see the point.  I chose him, he chose me,  We knew in the end we'd be together so why rush to spend oodles of money we din't have on a wedding.  We'd get there eventually.  That is not to say we were not or are not flipping excited to be husband and wife.  We are ecstatic.  I am. And now I am feeling slightly impatient because I just want our wedding to be here. I want to be married now and see how beautiful our day will be and how everything will turn out and what everything will look like and to call Vito my husband and be surrounded by everyone we love at the same time and...
I am so overly excited, it is causing my impatience to bleed through.  

And then the flip side of the coin.

I only have 11 months to pull this shindig together? 
We don't have a DJ or know what we will feed people or even come to a final decision as to who will be in our bridal party and I haven't lost the magical 50 lbs in the last month like I was wishing to lose before dress shopping and... The list goes on here too.  Wedding planning is a joyous job, but good Lord it is overwhelming and time consuming for a couple on a budget.  And there are SO many things to plan I would have never thought of before hand.  And I only have 11 months left to do it all? Time to change into my superwoman gear. 

But even after these two outlooks that first popped into my mind, thinking of our wedding day makes me giggle like a little school girl.  Someone at church last week said "This time next year, you guys will be married!" And we both stood there with stupid grins on our faces.  Because our wedding will be here before we know it and everything will be planned for and even if things go wrong, we will be married at the end of the day, 11 months from now, and that is what is most important!

Am I the only one who experiences two very different emotions surrounding one event or idea?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday {8} & Giveaway Winner Announced!

Today I'm going old school and linking up with Lauren for Fill in the Blank Friday!

1.  Something I swore I'd never do, but have ended up doing anyway is move into a place without a dishwasher.  We had one for a brief time in the middle of my childhood.  A few years and it died.  My least favorite chore is washing dishes so I always swore when Vito & I moved into our own place, it would have a dishwasher.  But the place we live in? No dishwasher other than Vito's two hands.  Bless that man for doing the dishes.

2.  Something I've always wanted to do is travel to different countries and stay for a month or so to really experience the culture, not just visit on vacation.

3.  Something I have absolutely no desire to ever do is   bungee jump or sky dive. No way. No day  << I agree with Lauren.  I love heights and all but that feeling you get in your stomach when you are on a roller coaster? I HATE it.  So bungee jumping and sky diving? No thanks.

4. The best thing I ever did was go on my first date with Vito. The rest is history.

5. When it comes to trying new things, I am usually in need of some coaxing.  I'm a pretty big chicken when it comes to anything that takes any guts.  Or even eating strange foods.  I love the idea of new experiences but sometimes I just need talked into it!

6. One thing I've never done is lived alone.  I went straight from living at home with my mom to living with Vito.  I admire people who live on their own but I could never.  I have way too vivid of an imagination coupled with a fear of people breaking into my home.  I'd never sleep!

7.  My favorite thing to do is spend a day on the beach with a good book in my hand, sun on my face, and hear nothing but the sound of the waves.

As for the giveaway from Tiny Prints, we have a winner!
Instead of using a website, I went old school and wrote all the names on post its and pulled!  

The winner is Brittany from Boots & Pearls!  
If you aren't already following her, get on that.
Congrats Brittany!
Thanks for all you lovely ladies who entered! 

Happy Friday!!!