Title: Quote from True Blood
Hello Summer, it is nice to see you again. I'm completely at a loss for how it came to be summer already. Didn't I JUST get out of classes? The older I get, the faster time seems to go. I'm still trying to decide whether that is a good thing or a bad thing.
In the TV world, summer signals the end of many of the popular shows that I waste my time enjoy watching. Usually at the end of the season, I get sad. All those stupid cliff hangers I happen to love so much.
It doesn't take long for me to replace those shows with summer shows!
My favorite summer time show to watch is True Blood.
I've read the books, I love them. I also love the show. It's pretty flippin' hilarious.
Blood bisque infused with rose pedals, anyone?
Well and my favorite reason to watch the show? Rather than tell you, I'll show you because my words will not do it justice. Ladies, feast your eyes on this. You can thank me later.
Onto another show that I get sucked into every year which is utterly ridiculous but I can't help myself.
Big Brother.

All the drama, it sucks me in every.flippin'.summer. I can't help myself. It never fails to entertain me.
Another show that is new this year had me at the first episode.
Pretty Little Liars

This show is one big mystery. So many questions, so little answers. I get angry at the end of every episode because they never give me enough. They leave me wanting more every time.
And lastly, a show Vito & I found On Demand and just finished up the first season last night.

This show is flippin' hilarious. It never fails to make me laugh. Talk about dysfunction at its finest. I believe there are 5 seasons out so I'm looking forward to the rest of them now too!
What summer shows are you watching?
Ahh, Pretty Little Liars. I haven't seen one episode yet, but I've pretty much read all the books.
Well, I'll admit I am not the biggest fan of summer television. I have heard wonderful things about True Blood ,but I haven't been able to attempt it just yet, because fake southern accents drive me up a wall.
I can't wait to watch Pretty Little Liars I've gotten good recs on it, just after "Secret Life of The American Teenager" I am a bit hesitant to abc family original series.
Right now I am tearing through "How I Met Your Mother" on dvd. I can't wait to be caught up for the fall!
Eric is hot hot HOT!
True Blood is a def must but I quit reading the books bc they were getting to be a little too much. Unless you tell me Sookie and Eric get REALLY serious! lol
Yay True Blood!! I'm watching that, Entourage (the boyfriend got me into it), and So You Think You Can Dance this summer. Also, Bert the Conqueror on Travel Channel. The guy's hilarious.
I am trying to like True Blood... Adam loves it!
I am in love with Pretty Little Liars!
I am so sad I have no HBO and no True Blood until it comes out on DVD. *tear*
BIG. BROTHER. We must email and discuss this show all summer long. It is my FAVE!
Weeds is epic..and it just gets better!
I don't have cable so I am doing the Netflix thing and have recently finished the first Season of 'Bones' and am already plowing through the second season. I love this show!
I have yet to see (or read) anything True Blood related... Shame on me, non?
Sadly, I just don't have any time for summer shows; too busy with work and such. So make sure to watch some for me :)
Love you!
I'm reading this post and nodding my head agreeing with everything!! havent seen pretty little liars, i get depressed when all the seasons end.. but i shall be check it up soon!.
You're right. The older we get the faster time seems to go.
I need to watch True Blood.. I had it on my Netflix Queue but I have like.. 50 movies in there so I don't know if I'll ever get to it! haha.
True Blood & Big Brother...LOVE! We have the same taste in shows :).
everyone says pretty little liars is soo good! so i set it to record on my DVR. haha, all my favorite tv shows ended a few months back, so i'm looking for something good to watch!
oh eric from true blood...shuuu-wiiiiing!!!!
damn he's good looking!
I don't get ABC family on my cable, but I have been so intrigued by Pretty Little Liars! Great TV roundup. I'm excited for the Mad Men premiere in July.
Can't wait to check out Pretty Little Liars, plus Big Brother...not sure why I watch that show!!
great choices! i'm watching old episodes of house.. getting pretty into it haha. xoxolannie.
I've never watched True Blood, but I keep meaning to get started on it because I hear such good things.
I think Pretty Little Liars is great fun.
i didnt' even know that true blood was a book, how sad am I?? I like the show though. I'm not really watching tv this summer... not for any reason, just not really into it~!
weeds is so freakin funny!! i'm not a true blood watcher...sad right? anyway i hear it is the best. big brother always is good entertainment.
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