Title: Rent - "Seasons of Love"
365 days
That's how many days have past since I started this little blog.
Today is my 1 year blogiversary.

I can not believe this little ol' blog was started 1 year ago with a silly little post. I now look what my blog has turned into and I'm amazed. I started blogging because I was reading so many other blogs like weddingbee and the busybee, I thought I should start one too. I would have never thought my blog would have evolved into what it is now.
I'm so thankful for my blog. It's truly a place I turn to to write anything that is on my mind.
I'm thankful for all the opportunities it has given me.
Like making oodles of friends that cover the span of the USA and even to other countries across the world.
Like jumping on a plane to cross the country and having the change to meet 4 amazing ladies who are beautiful inside and out.
Like when I pour my heart out and receive so many kind and encouraging words.
Like having friends who send me cards for my birthday or presents out of the kindness of their own heart.
Like having daily conversations via text/twitter/emails about everything and nothing.
It amazes me how beautiful, supportive, and accepting the blogging community is on an every day basis and I wish everyone could experience the things I have and make friendships the way I have. So thank each and every one of you for reading my blog and leaving comments and creating friendships.
I love every single flippin' one of you something fierce.
Now enough with the mushy gushy stuff. I've thought about what to do for this big post and many ideas came to mind but being an indecisive person, it was hard to come up with something. So I decided this time around, I want you to tell me about yourself. I've spent an entire year telling you about me, let's change this up a bit!
I found this idea over at Jenna's blog and decided to try it out here! So here is a few questions, feel free to fill them out!
Why you started blogging?
How long have you been blogging?
Something quirky about yourself?
Favorite place you've ever traveled and why?
Favorite food(s)?
Something you'd like to know about me or see something in my life (This is a chance to ask to see anything. My room? My shoes? My closet? My mom? Jewelry? Things I collect? My past birthday I never blogged about? You name it, I'll answer/do a blog post.)
Anything else you'd like me to know about you?
Happy Blogoversary!!! That's so exciting. I love the year mark. It's the time when I finally felt like I'd found my place and voice on the web. Here's my answers:
Age? 21
Location? Provo, Utah
Why you started blogging? I work at an internet marketing company and had the help/resources to start my blog. I wanted somewhere that I could journal my day to day life and share it with others.
How long have you been blogging? Two years in December.
Likes? Pets, babies, embarrassing stories.
Dislikes? Pickles. Drama. Meanies.
Something quirky about yourself? I eat kool aid plain.
Favorite place you've ever traveled and why? San Diego - it was the first time I'd ever seen the ocean.
Favorite food(s)? Cheese sticks, pizza, chicken roll ups.
Something you'd like to know about me or see something in my life: I want to see all your answers to that, as well as "what's your biggest fear?" "Favorite blog post you've written" and "10 things you learned from your mom".
YAY!!! Congrats on one year!!!! :)
This is sweet! I cannot believe it has been a year, my blogiversary is coming up soon too! You were like my very first follower/blog pal...awe hearts!!
happy blog-o-versary!
Happy Blogiversary!!!!! I'm so glad we've become blog buddies =)
Of course here are my answers!
Age? 20
Location? central/southern Massachusetts (depending on the time of year ;) )
Why you started blogging? I was going through a hard time in between my colleges and was reading some blogs so I decided to start my own too!
How long have you been blogging? A little over a year
Likes? Sweets, happiness, reading, the idea of adventures
Dislikes? scary movies, spicy things, the color orange
Something quirky about yourself? this is only slightly embarrassing: there is a little monkey sitting behind my door and for some unknown reason i can't move him. I refuse too and my parents tease me about it.
Favorite place you've ever traveled and why? I've really only travelled to Florida so far so I would say there. Also because it's home to the happiest place on earth- Disney World<3
Favorite food(s)? Ice Cream
Something you'd like to know about me or see something in my life: what do you collect?? what does your room look like?? what about your backyard?
Anything else you'd like me to know about you? I don't even know! What do you want to know, haha I'm not good with these things on the spot...
ps. I miss you too!
yayyy happy blogiversary! I never did my blogiversary, just my 100th post mark type things. This is a great idea! And I love you somethin fierce right back!
So, in celebration, those questions:
Age: 21
Location: Pennsylvania
Why you started blogging: I started years ago, gave up, and resumed it when I would be moving overseas for a bit.
How long have you been blogging: regularly since may 2009
Likes: aquariums, driving with the windows down in the summer, the smell of laundry brought in off the line, sitting along the Thames at night, tree branches entirely encased in ice, sitting in the top front seat of double decker buses, people watching.
Dislikes: mushrooms in any form, coffee, leather couches, the new york city subway, squirrels, styrofoam.
Something quirky about yourself: Ever seen what I can best call a "floaty pen"? Tourist shops have 'em, they're pens with a little scene in the top half, and something in it moves up and down, like a bus or person. They're all made in Denmark. I collect them.
Favorite place you've ever traveled and why: the highlands in northern Scotland. It's a beauty unlike any I've ever seen; mountains with waterfalls springing out of them all over the place, a spot on the isle of skye where it sounds like the world is singing.
Favorite food(s): Miniature mincemeat pies, orange juice, spaghetti, my grandma's tzatziki, tiropitas, kraft mac and cheese from a box. (yeah, I'm classy like that.)
Something you'd like to know about me or see something in my life: If you could be any one thing, regardless of requirements or feasibility, what would it be?
Anything else you'd like me to know about you: I am oddly good at packing suitcases beyond the point that seems possible. have a coat and two pairs of jeans to fit into a stuffed suitcase? No problemo. I got it covered.
Age? 25
Location? AZ
Why you started blogging? I was a long time lurker :)
How long have you been blogging? Just shy of 2 years, 1 year on my current blog
Likes? Too much!
Dislikes? Hate
Something quirky about yourself? I am a vegan (again..haha!)
Favorite place you've ever traveled and why? San Diego b/c it was our Honeymoon <3
Favorite food(s)? Spicy Stir Fry! Yum!!!
Something you'd like to know about me or see something in my life (This is a chance to ask to see anything. My room? My shoes? My closet? My mom? Jewelry? Things I collect? My past birthday I never blogged about? You name it, I'll answer/do a blog post.) Post whatever you like!
Anything else you'd like me to know about you? Hmmm..nope!
I knew I would love this post when I read the title! Love Rent!
But I also love that our blogs have led us to met such awesome people!!
Happy, Happy One-Year Bloggyversary! Here's to another year of blog fabulosity!! :)
happy birthday to your blog!! :)
i love it so much probably we should trade buttons? no? :)
Congratulations on your blogoversary!
Age: 27 (eek)
Location: Richmond, VA
Why: It started out as a way to keep my family informed of what was going on with me since we are spread out all over the country...then it became a dumping ground for my weird thoughts and things going on in my life.
How long? Since the beginning of time...I think 2007/2008
Likes: Blogging, writing in general, music, cinnamon, reading, boys, frisbee, basketball, rice krispee treats, movies, etc.
Dislikes: Things touching my wrist, veins, that sound the paper makes when rubbed between someone's fingers, people who always have to be right (even when they're wrong).
Something quirky: I put my clothes in the dryer rather than ironing them
Favorite travel spot: So many, every travel is one I do for fun/adventure. California was a good one, got to see Alcatraz and was pulled out of a crowd by a street performer to tie him up in a straight jacket.
Favorite food: Taco salad
Something I want to know: What are your favorite kind of shoes? What are some of your hobbies?
Anything else: I like reading your blog.
Happy Blogiversary!
Age? 27
Location? Toronto
Why you started blogging? Dec/09
How long have you been blogging? 7 months
Likes? Books, bad TV, good food, red wine, sports, blogging, shoes and bags, my husband.
Dislikes? Snakes, bugs, heights, hypocrites, Mondays.
Something quirky about yourself? I can't whistle.
Favorite place you've ever traveled and why? Europe--I can't choose between Italy, Greece and Spain.
Favorite food(s)? Pasta, potatoes, cookies, brownies, Nutella
Something you'd like to know about me? Tell us something we wouldn't even think of asking!
happy one-year! woooo! it's such a great feeling, isn't it? :) blogging starts as something little, then turns to a hobby, then turns to a part of every day life. haha. i love the blogging community. sweet people everywhere :)
Happy Blog Birthday to your fabulous blog and you, my dear! I'm so happy we have met this year through these lil' blogs of ours :) I love you something fierce too!
Age? 25 going on 26 in about a month ;)
Location? Norway
How long have you been blogging? A little over a year
Likes? Music, laughing so hard your stomach hurts and/or you start crying, sleeping, shopping, Converse, Leo and lots, lots more :)
Dislikes? Rude people, getting up in the morning when I'm not completely done with the dream I was having, potatoes, mosquitos
Something quirky about yourself? I only like melted cheese...
Favorite place you've ever traveled and why? All the times we had our summer holiday in France when I was a kid... Good times, good memories :)
Favorite food? CHOCOLATE, hands down
Something you'd like to know about me or something in my life? What's your fondest memory of when you were little? What was the best day in your life so far?
Anything else you'd like me to know about you? Only that I can't wait to meet you :)
Um, no wonder I love you. You mentioned Harry in your very first post <3
I started blogging because I was reading busy bee lauren and she inspired me!
I've been blogging since september, I think.
I love Harry Potter, laughing, my family, and movies
I dislike negative people, spiders and headaches.
I dot the "i" in my name with a star. I have ever since first grade. Now im 20 and still do it. lame?
Favorite place I've traveled? London and Italy! I liked the big city of London and the completely different culture of Italy.
I love steak. and ice cream and mashed potatoes.
Tell us about past birthdays! And I like the funny convos between you and Vito. Don't hold back!
Oh awesomeness!!! Congrats to you on blogging a whole year!!! :)
one year of fabulous blogging. hope you celebrated hardcore!
Love you! I am so happy that you started blogging. I am happy that I know you! Happy Blogiversary!
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