Title: Katy Perry - "Hot N Cold"
Dear Fall,
We should probably talk and get something straight.
I am sure you are currently confused with how I've been treating you.
I want you here.
I don't want you here.
I miss you.
I want you stay as far away from Summer and I as possible.
I keep changing my mind, hence the title to this post as Katy Perry so nicely helped with.
But you know what, as my 7th grade teacher taught me:
As a woman, I have the prerogative to change my mind any damn time I please.
So let me explain myself.
Fall, I love you.
It's true and real love.
The leaves changing and crisp air?
The switching of the wardrobe?
I mean, I've already bought a pair of boots in preparation and I've been staring at my scarves longingly, waiting for the first cool night.
Any and all things pumpkin?
I mean you are talking to the girl who is counting down the days until she can have a pumpkin spice latte in her hands.
(September 6th)
Halloween & Thanksgiving?
I already plan on making soup once a week.
See Fall, I really do love you and all the things you bring me.
(I hate that word too.)
There are two problems.
I don't think I'm ready to let go of Summer.
I love her too.
It's just, I haven't spent enough time with the beach yet.
Clearly not enough for my beach-bum soul for an entire summer.
I am happy when you are here but I know you'll leave too.
& what happens when you leave?
Well, you know.
& with winter comes freezing temps and that horrible white stuff.
So as you can see, my heart is torn.
Please know it isn't you.
I love you, Fall.
Just give me a bit more time.
I'll be ready soon.