TGIF!! Just when I thought Friday was never going to get here! Thank God it did! It's been a few weeks since I joined in on Fill in the Blank Friday over at Lauren's blog so I thought I should today. It's about food, one of my favorite subjects! Feel free to join in and link up over at her blog!

1. Today for breakfast I ate A whole wheat bagel thin with peanut butter & a caramel iced coffee. My treat for making it through a week at work. It's the little things people.
2. My go to/never fail recipe my go to meal on a normal night is probably pasta. We almost always have some sort pasta, sauce, and fresh parmesan cheese. It's easy and yummy.
3. Something I eat that other people think is weird is whole tomatoes. I really don't find it weird but when others see me do it, they always comment how weird it is. I grew up on taking a whole, home grown tomato and eating it like an apple. Sprinkle some salt on it and mm mm mmmm! I look forward to home grown tomatoes every summer!
4. My worst cooking disaster ever was probably the time I was making my mom's from scratch chocolate cake with white icing. (Uhm, best ever, just so you know). It was the first time I did it on my own and the icing calls for crisco. I found some in the cupboard and added it, mixed it in my kitchen aid mixer (my baby!) and went to try it. Can we say gag? My mom came down as I was in tears seeing as I was suppose to take this cake to work the next day for someone's birthday. Apparently the crisco had expired. Just for future reference, if crisco is yellow, don't use it. Only use it when it is white. 8)
5. If I could only eat one flavor of ice cream the rest of my life it would be Oh geez, just one?! I flippin' love me some ice cream. If I had to pick, probably soft serve vanilla. I love me some soft serve ice cream!
6. One food I hate and avoid at all costs is onion. I *hate* them. Like you wouldn't even imagine.
7. What is your favorite meal? Breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Dinner. It's the time I get to make something good and eat at the dinner table. It's what I look forward to after a long day at work.
Happy Friday Loves!!
mmmmmm :)
I eat tomatoes like that too! YUMO
I love soft serve vanilla, too. Especially from McDonald's for some reason. It's the taste of childhood for me.
I can eat whole cherry tomatoes - just pop them in your mouth - delish, but eating a big tomato like an apple? I could see that, but mealy tomatoes really creep me out, so I feel like I'd need to cut into it to make sure the texture was right before taking a big ol' bite.
Happy weekend!
I am jealous of your breakfast.
Can I come to your house & eat every night? I love love love pasta!!
Hmmm...I THOUGHT there was something wrong with that Crisco in my cupboard! :D
You know what I really love? Eating breakfast for dinner.
You know what I really love? Eating breakfast for dinner.
love me some soft serve vanilla...with sprinkles. i'm a 5 year old at heart. i like getting to know ya better and better. you are one of my faves (justsoyaknow) and i love you sexy lady!!
Ooh thanks for telling me a little bit about you Vanessa! I love Cali and I feel so lucky to be living here. Where did you visit in LA? I'd love to know! Have a great day!
I heart tomatoes...I get so excited when it's time for a vidalia onion (which I know grosses you out apparently) and tomato sammich. Srsly mouth watering. A tomato with salt and pepper all by itself is delicious though.
Dinner's my favorite meal too! I love sitting down and talk while eating delicious food!
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