Title: Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Do you know how many movies there are in the world?
Yeah, me neither but I can guess that number is PRETTY big.
With the constant releasing of new movies, it is hard to keep up.
And inevitably, movies slip through the cracks.
And sometimes, those movies are classics.
And people find out.
And have a heart attack because you are missing out.
And according to people in my life?
I have missed quite a few.
Example A
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs.
Growing up, I was not allowed to watch any movies or TV shows that involved magic.
But that's a post for another time.
So basically when I was allowed, I had to catch up on all the amazing movies Disney had to offer.
Sadly, I've still missed this one.
Example B
Y'all, Vito & I were having dinner with two couples from church.
This movie was brought up and I said how we hadn't seen it and all 4 of their mouths dropped open.
You would have thought we just told them the world was ending.
We promised we'd watch this over the Christmas season so they'll still be friends with us.
Example C
Wayne's World.
My sister yells at me all the time since this is her favorite movie.
And she just can't believe that I haven't seen it, since I'm related.
Thankfully her love wins out so she hasn't disowned me.
Example D
You've Got Mail
I admitted on Twitter this morning that I haven't seen this movie.
So I get it.
I'm missing out on a lot and I promise to remedy this.
So don't disown me.
I'll get right with God asap.
Now do tell.
What movies haven't you seen that cause crazy reactions from people?
Example C
Wayne's World.
My sister yells at me all the time since this is her favorite movie.
And she just can't believe that I haven't seen it, since I'm related.
Thankfully her love wins out so she hasn't disowned me.
Example D
You've Got Mail
I admitted on Twitter this morning that I haven't seen this movie.
So I get it.
I'm missing out on a lot and I promise to remedy this.
So don't disown me.
I'll get right with God asap.
Now do tell.
What movies haven't you seen that cause crazy reactions from people?